Thursday, December 22, 2011
10 Bulk Routines That Work
Friday, December 16, 2011
The Top Shoulder Exercises for Muscle Mass
Seated and Standing Shoulder Press
This exercise surpasses all the others when it comes to building your deltoids. This is because it is one of the few exercises that afford enough leverage to lift large loads. When performed in a careful, controlled, manner, this press will offer you round, well-toned, impressive deltoid muscles.
There are several variations of the military press. One suggests that the best way to utilize the down movement is to lower the bar to the back of the neck. Another claims that the best way to utilize the down movement is to lower the bar to clavicle height at the front of the body. Both variations of the downward movement are advantageous in different ways. The advantage of lowering the bar to the back of the neck is that the shoulder muscles stretch deeper, meaning that the lateral and anterior deltoids get plentiful stimulation due to the positioning of the shoulder socket. The advantage of lowering the bar to the clavicle is that this position is actually safer for the shoulder socket. This position however, isolates the anterior deltoid whilst exercising the upper pectoral as a synergist.
Lateral Dumbbell Raises
Lateral Raises are often sadly under-utilized by more experienced bodybuilders. Such users tend to use them as a muscle-defining or shaping technique, rather than as a tool to develop added mass and strength in their shoulders. The raises target the lateral and posterior deltoid muscles. As a lifting beginner, it might be hard to provide your muscles with enough weight resistance to feel like you are getting enough stimulation. Over time however and when the correct techniques utilized, you will begin to see sizeable gains in your deltoids.
There are several different ways to perform Lateral Dumbbell Raises, and your choice may depend on the amount of equipment you have available. A cable machine can be used or free weights. You have the flexibility to decide whether you want to sit or stand, and also whether to exercise both arms at one time, or spend time on each arm individually.
Whatever your choice might be, the movement is basically the same. You should securely hold your dumbbells at hip level. The inverted nature of your palms will ensure that the dumbbells are parallel. Extend your arms and raise them until your weights are level with your shoulder. At this point, they will be perpendicular to the ground. If you elevate the weight higher than your shoulder, you will put unnecessary strain on your shoulder socket.
You should never swing the weights. It is the careful, continuous, controlled movement, both to the shoulders and back to the hip that strains the muscle and gives you maximum gains. If you are having difficulty with your technique, use a mirror or ask someone to help you with this.
Upright Rows
The rows target the traps with the lateral and posterior deltoids. They are common exercises for both beginners and advanced lifters, and are often seen in the gym setting. Upright rows are easily performed and highly effective. The mixture of heavy loads and good posture make them a staple in many routines.
There are many different aids you can use to perform this shoulder exercise. The cable machine, and dumbbells are oftentimes used, but the barbells tend to better suit beginners, as they leave little room for poor technique. Use a secure overhand grip on the barbell, which should be resting at your waist. Holding the bar tight to your abdomen, lift the weight vertically, and finally rest it around chin height. Your eyes should be focusing straight forward at all times.
Heavy Barbell Shrugs
Historically, many experienced bodybuilders have exercised the trap muscles as part of their back routine. It has long been argued, that for efficiency reasons, the traps should instead become part of the shoulder workout routine. Your aim is to develop expansive, angular trap muscles, which can be difficult to do because of their nature and position. Heavy loads are needed to utilize the shrugs to the maximum effect.
You will need an Olympic barbell and a standing barbell rack to perform this exercise. Grip the bar overhand with one hand, and underhand with the other. This is known as an alternate grip. Carefully rise to a straight standing position using a shrugging motion. Take care to strain your trapezius muscles and not your back.
The shrugging movement can be achieved by rolling the shoulder in a rotating arc, or by simply shrugging vertically. You can try shrugging both ways and see which way you prefer – though it should be noted that cartilage problems can occur if the rotating method is not done in the correct way. This is because the weight of the barbell can overstrain the joint.
Earlier in the article, it was mentioned that the shoulders are a key part of the physique. The mentioned shoulder exercises and workouts will make an effective addition to any routine, but they do not by any means represent an exhaustive list.
Monday, December 12, 2011
10 Ways to Gain Muscle
Start reading food labels to get a sense of how many calories you're already eating. Then add 500 to that number and start eating that many calories every day. Aim to take in about one gram of protein per pound of body weight each day.
You can do up to two days of light jogging on the treadmill, but keep it to around 30 minutes per session. To lose fat while sparing muscle, you'd do even better to perform sprint intervals—for instance, running all-out for a minute and then backing off to a light jog for two minutes. Do this for 30 minutes, three times a week.
Do no more than 20 sets per muscle group—closer to 12 is even better. Your reps should be between six and 12 per set for the most muscle growth, and your workouts should never last much longer than 45 minutes. In lieu of more volume, use heavier weights and move through each rep at a controlled speed. Your sets should last between 40 and 70 seconds—any less, and you're not tensing your muscles long enough to shock them into growth.
You'll get the best results from your workout by either training the whole body in a single workout or concentrating only on the upper body in one session and the lower body in another. There are advantages to each setup, but both are better than trying to iso- late one muscle group in a single session. Concentrate on lifts that involve lots of muscles at once, such as squats, deadlifts, presses, rows, and pullups.
Stretching of any kind (getting into a stretched position and holding it, or moving fluidly in and out of position), using a foam roller (see page 28 for a description), and getting massages will all help keep you flexible, prevent injury, and improve recovery between workouts.
You should be wolfing down five to six small meals a day. As long as good-quality fuel keeps coming into your body—particularly protein and carbs—you'll have the calories to build muscle and the metabolism boost to lose fat.
Every four to six weeks, you need to alter some part of your rou- tine, whether it's the number of reps you do, the amount of time you rest, the exercises you perform, or any other training variable. Keep a journal of your workouts to record your progress.
The more muscles you involve—either in one exercise or one training session—the greater the hormone release you'll get from your training, and that stimulates muscle growth all day long. Hit- ting each muscle group with roughly the same volume (such as five sets of rows after five sets of bench presses) will ensure balanced training, allowing you to grow quickly and safely, avoiding injuries and preserving flexibility.
Surround your workout with nutrition, starting with a high protein- and-carbohydrate meal about an hour beforehand. Mix up a pro- tein shake that has a ratio of about two grams of carbs for every one gram of protein, and sip that throughout your workout. After- ward, finish the drink or mix a new one and drink that quickly. Believe it or not, whole foods are not the best option post workout—they take too long to digest.
The ideal amount of sleep is seven to eight hours per night. You can let loose a night or two each week, but when you do, try to make up for it ASAP. Train no more than four times a week. As for your job, do whatever you can to avoid excess stress—chronic nervousness elevates cortisol, a hormone that makes your body store fat and burn muscle.
Overtraining - Why Less Is More
What is Overtraining?
Let’s start off with a quick definition of overtraining:Overtraining occurs when you push your body too hard and pass the point that your body is able to recover from. To make gains you must overload the muscles and then allow adequate time for recovery and growth by resting. Overtraining occurs when either the overload is too high, or the rest period aka recovery time is too low.
Workout Intensity.
Now, you must train with a high enough intensity to overload the muscles which cause’s tiny tears to occur in the muscle fibres. After training these tears start to repair and then grow back slightly larger than before when your body has fully recovered from training.Training with an intensity that is too low, for example not completing enough sets, or not using enough weight will not effectively break down the muscle fibres meaning no growth will occur as the fibres will not grow back larger and stronger than before if they have not been effectively overloaded during training… If the muscles can handle the weight that is being moved easily then there is no need for them to grow bigger and stronger.. So they won’t!
On the other hand training with an intensity that is too high will cause the muscle fibres to break down past a point of recovery, meaning the tears in the muscle are more severe and will require days of rest, or even weeks and months of rest and therapy in some more severe cases of over training.
When the intensity of your training is too high you are not allowing the muscles enough time to recover and rebuild. Over training can occur from training a muscle group before it has had time to fully recover from a previous session, such as training each body part 2-3 times per week… After you have finished training, the muscles that you worked will take usually somewhere between 24-48 hours to recover from training. It is only AFTER this period of recovery that any growth occurs, this is why for example training your arms on a Monday and again on a Wednesday is not recommended as although you may feel ok and ready to train them again and any soreness from the previous workout may have gone, the reality is that the muscles have only just entered the window of time in which any growth will occur, and working the same muscles again will break them back down and prevent any growth.
Less is More.
How Many Sets Should I do?
The key is to find a balance between training with a high enough intensity to break down the muscle fibres without training so much that your body cannot recover from the training. This will vary from person to person and there is no exact routine of method of training that will guarantee the best results for everybody, you have to find what works for your own body. I often see people asking how many sets they should complete for each muscle group and although each individual is different and there are no exact numbers that will work for everyone I can give a recommended set range for each muscle group, this is aimed at those who are training for muscle gains and have some background training under their belt, preferably at least some sort of beginners routine for 10 weeks or so. Larger muscle groups like back and legs can obviously be trained with more sets than the smaller muscle groups like biceps that can get an intense workout from just a few exercises. Another common mistake of overtraining is hitting the biceps with too many sets, you could walk into almost any gym and find someone doing 20 odd sets on their biceps being under the incorrect impression that ‘more is better’.Here is a recommended set range for each muscle group:
- Legs - 14-20 sets
- Calves - 6-10 sets (possible twice per week)
- Abs - 6-10 sets (possibly twice per week)
- Back - 12-16 sets
- Shoulders - 9-12 sets
- Triceps - 8-10 sets
- Biceps - 6-9 sets
- Forearms - 4-8 sets
- Traps - 3-6 sets
- Chest - 12-16 sets
The numbers listed do not include warm up sets. (Warm up sets should always be done first, usually one set very light weight and one set at approx 50% of your training weight as well as stretches.)
Some muscles such as the Abdominals and Calves do recover faster than other muscle groups and can be trained twice per week but again the effectiveness of training them once per week or twice per week will vary from person to person. The figures listed above are just a general outline for those who are confused as to how many sets each muscle group can take, or indeed to highlight to some people that they may be over training a certain muscle group if they are not seeing results. I am not saying everyone should stick within these ranges by any means, if you find that 15 sets for your triceps is most effective for you and provides the best results for you then stick with it! However most natural trainers will find that the most effective number of sets to complete in their workout will be within the above ranges.
As I have just explained, rest is important and you only need 3-4 exercises max per muscle group per workout, now the ideal rest between sets is 60-90 seconds, and 2-3 minutes between each exercise. If you do the math then these numbers should mean that your workout is easily completed within an hour, possibly if training 2 muscle groups and then abs as well it may last a little longer but should never be more than 90 minutes as again this is overtraining.
Not including warm-ups and stretching I would advise to keep your workout time below 60 minutes, after this time your body starts to break down its own muscle tissue to use as fuel. This is due to a stress hormone called Cortisol that is released in high amounts after you have spent so much time lifting.
The Muscle Building Routine.
Now that I have told you how to avoid overtraining and more importantly the reasons why you should avoid overtraining, I will show you an example muscle building workout routine that I have created. The routine is a 4 day split and follows all of the above guidelines, you should never be working out for longer than 60 minutes using this routine:More workouts listed in the workouts section. You can find my full 4 day split muscle building routine here.
Monday: Chest & Triceps
- Incline Dumbbell Press - 4 sets of 8-10 reps
- Flat Bench Press - 4 sets of 8-10 reps
- Incline Dumbbell Flyes - 3 sets of 10 reps
- Cable Crossovers - 3 sets of 10 reps
- Close Grip Bench Press - 3 sets of 10 reps
- Overhead Rope Extensions - 3 sets of 10 reps
- Reverse pushdowns - 3 sets of 10 reps
- Squat - 4 sets of 12,10,8,6 reps
- Leg Press - 4 sets of 10 reps
- Leg Extension - 3 sets of 12 reps
- Romanian Deadlift (stiff leg deadlift) - 4 sets of 10 reps
- Leg Curl - 3 sets of 12 reps
- Smith Machine Calf Raise - 4 sets of 12 reps
- Seated Calf Raise - 4 sets of 8 reps
- Military Press - 4 sets of 10 reps
- Dumbbell Lateral Raise - 3 sets of 10 reps
- Bent Over Reverse Crossovers - 3 sets of 10 reps
- Plate Shrugs - 3 sets of 10 reps
- Wide Grip Pull Up - 4 sets of 10 reps
- Lat Pull Down - 4 sets of 10 reps
- Seated Cable Rows - 4 sets of 10 reps
- Bent Over Barbell Row - 4 sets of 10 reps
- Barbell Curl - 3 sets of 8-10 reps
- Seated Alternate Curl - 3 sets of 8-10 reps
- Hammer Curls - 3 sets of 10 reps
Friday, December 9, 2011
5 Day Lean Body Mass Eating Plan And Supplement Schedule
5 Day Lean Body Mass Eating Plan And Supplement Schedule
Day 1Immediately upon waking up
2 glasses of water with 5 to 10 grams glutamine
1 cup of oatmeal (cooked) with 1 tbsp of raisins. Ham and cheese 4 egg white omelet. 1 cup of water. Immediately afterwards, have one vitamin/mineral tablet. I recommend Universal's Animal Pack.
Protein drink. I recommend Cyto Sport Muscle Milk, Dorian Yates Pro Peptide, EAS 100% Whey. For weight gainers, try using Cyto Sport's Cytogainer.
Grilled chicken breast with one baked potato. 1 cup of steamed veggies. 1 tbsp of low fat sour cream for potato.
1 protein bar. Recommend MuscleTech Meso Tech or EAS Myoplex Deluxe.
1 Endothil CR tab and creatine drink. I strongly recommend Dymatize Xpand or Nutrabolics NOZ.
1 serving Cyto Sport Cytogainer
Steak with roasted potatoes
• 2 potatoes;
• 1 cup asparagus (steamed and cooked);
• ½ tablespoon of fresh rosemary;
• 2 tablespoons olive oil;
• Pinch of salt;
• Pepper
1 protein drink. I recommend Cyto Sport Muscle Milk, Dorian Yates Pro Peptide, EAS 100% Whey. For weight gainers, try using Cyto Sport's Cytogainer.
2 glasses of water with 5 to 10 grams glutamine
2 slices of whole wheat toast with 1 tsp of butter and scrambled eggs (5 to 6 egg whites and two egg yolks with 1 tbsp of low fat cheddar cheese). Have with one glass of water. Immediately afterwards, have one vitamin/mineral tablet. I recommend Universal's Animal Pack.
Protein drink. I recommend Cyto Sport Muscle Milk, Dorian Yates Pro Peptide, EAS 100% Whey. For weight gainers, try using Cyto Sport's Cytogainer.
Chicken stir fry.
• ½ cup peppers
• 1 cup mushrooms
• 1/4 cup onions
• 1 tsp Braggs sauce
• 1 cup cooked brown rice
1 protein bar. Recommend MuscleTech Meso Tech or EAS Myoplex Deluxe.
1 Endothil CR tab and creatine drink. I strongly recommend Dymatize Xpand or Nutrabolics NOZ.
1 serving Cyto Sport Cytogainer
• ½ onion, sliced thinly;
• ½ cup of mushrooms;
• 1 cup of whole wheat spaghetti;
• 1 clove garlic;
• 1 cup of healthy spaghetti sauce such a Health Choice;
• Salt and pepper to taste;
• 1 tsp olive oil;
• 1 slice whole wheat bread
1 protein drink. I recommend Cyto Sport Muscle Milk, Dorian Yates Pro Peptide, EAS 100% Whey. For weight gainers, try using Cyto Sport's Cytogainer.
2 glasses of water with 5 to 10 grams glutamine
Western omelet (6 egg whites, 2 yolks, diced ham, onions, peppers, and 1 tbsp low fat cheddar cheese). Have with one glass of water. Immediately afterwards, have one vitamin/mineral tablet. I recommend Universal's Animal Pack.
Protein drink. I recommend Cyto Sport Muscle Milk, Dorian Yates Pro Peptide, EAS 100% Whey. For weight gainers, try using Cyto Sport's Cytogainer.
Turkey sandwich on rye.
• 2 lettuce leaves
• 2 slices low fat cheddar
• 1 tbsp mustard
1 protein bar. Recommend MuscleTech Meso Tech or EAS Myoplex Deluxe.
1 Endothil CR tab and creatine drink. I strongly recommend Dymatize Xpand or Nutrabolics NOZ.
1 serving Cyto Sport Cytogainer
Chicken Stir Fry
• 1/4 cup of low fat chicken broth;
• 1/4 cup sliced red pepper;
• 1/4 cup sliced yellow pepper;
• ½ sliced onion;
• 1 glove garlic;
• 2 tsp of olive oil;
• ½ cup of cooked basmati rice
1 protein drink. I recommend Cyto Sport Muscle Milk, Dorian Yates Pro Peptide, EAS 100% Whey. For weight gainers, try using Cyto Sport's Cytogainer.
2 glasses of water with 5 to 10 grams glutamine
1 cup egg whites, cooked, sweetened with Splenda and cinnamon. 1 cup cooked oatmeal with 1 tbsp of raisins mixed in. 15 to 20 roasted almonds. Have with one glass of water. Immediately afterwards, have one vitamin/mineral tablet. I recommend Universal's Animal Pack.
Protein drink. I recommend Cyto Sport Muscle Milk, Dorian Yates Pro Peptide, EAS 100% Whey. For weight gainers, try using Cyto Sport's Cytogainer.
5 ounces of salmon, broiled. 1 cup cooked whole wheat pasta mixed with 1 cup cooked broccoli, seasoned with garlic, olive oil, and Parmesan cheese. Have with one glass of water.
1 protein bar. Recommend MuscleTech Meso Tech or EAS Myoplex Deluxe.
1 Endothil CR tab and creatine drink. I strongly recommend Dymatize Xpand or Nutrabolics NOZ.
1 serving Cyto Sport Cytogainer
Lean Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes And Broccoli
• 1 cup of mashed potatoes. Use skim milk to mash the potatoes and don't use any butter.
• 1 cup of steamed broccoli
1 protein drink. I recommend Cyto Sport Muscle Milk, Dorian Yates Pro Peptide, EAS 100% Whey. For weight gainers, try using Cyto Sport's Cytogainer.
2 glasses of water with 5 to 10 grams glutamine
1 cup oatmeal crisp cereal with 1% milk. Ham and cheese 4 egg white omelet Immediately afterwards, have one vitamin/mineral tablet. I recommend Universal's Animal Pack.
Protein drink. I recommend Cyto Sport Muscle Milk, Dorian Yates Pro Peptide, EAS 100% Whey. For weight gainers, try using Cyto Sport's Cytogainer.
Grilled chicken breast with one baked potato. 1 cup of steamed veggies. 1 tbsp of low fat sour cream for potato.
1 protein bar. Recommend MuscleTech Meso Tech or EAS Myoplex Deluxe.
1 Endothil CR tab and creatine drink. I strongly recommend Dymatize Xpand or Nutrabolics NOZ.
1 serving Cyto Sport Cytogainer
Steak Stir Fry In Mushroom Sauce
• 4 ounces of sirloin tip steak - cut into this strips;
• 1/4 cup of red pepper - sliced into small strips;
• 1/4 cup of green pepper - sliced into small strips;
• ½ onion sliced;
• 1 glove of garlic - minced (use a garlic press);
• ½ cup of whole wheat linguine;
• 2 tsp of olive oil;
1 protein drink. I recommend Cyto Sport Muscle Milk, Dorian Yates Pro Peptide, EAS 100% Whey. For weight gainers, try using Cyto Sport's Cytogainer.
The toughest part of any weight training program is to figure out the nutrition side of things. Especially if you want to build lean dense muscle mass while burning body fat. I'd like to recommend a program that will customize a complete program for you, based on your body type. A body type program is very important because it will base all nutritional intake according to your specific body type,age, gender, metabolism, and activity level.
The program is called "Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer". If your dead serious about building the body of your dreams, you have to check this system out. Check it out here.
I've used this program and you can check out my full review here.
Effective Shoulder Exercises To Get Your Arms Looking Good In That Tank Top
Choose 3-5 exercises and do 6-8 reps for bulk 12-15 for lean muscle.
Straight Arm Front Raises
- You can do both the straight arm front raises and the lateral raises below with a cable at the gym. If you are at home, working with dumbbells or resistance bancds are great too. I will piecture the cable below and the dumbells for the lateral rasies just to give you an idea for both. With your hand by your side and cable in hand, keep your arm straight. Lift your whole arms up to shoulder height, then lower back down.

Straight Arm Side Raises
- Same as above, only now you are lifting your arms to your sides.

Upright Rows
- Start with your arms straight down in front of you. Lift your arms straight up so that your elbows kick out to the sides. Your elbows should go higher than your shoulders in this exercise.

Shoulder Press
- You can do this exercise standing up, sitting on a bench, or you can even do it on the press machine at the gym. I will describe how to do this with dumbells in hand. Lift your arms and bend your elbows so your weights are next to your ears and your palms are facing forward. Press your arms straight up and then bring them back down.

Arnold Press
- This is Arnold's version of the press. Sitting on a bench or standing up, hold two dumbbells in hand. Use an underhand grip. Bend your elbows so that your arms are facing inward. While pressing the dumbbells, slowly rotate your hands so that your thumbs face inward towards each other. Then return to the starting position by rotating back.

Seated Military Press
Sitting on a bench, grasp a barbell in hand and bend at the elbows so that your palms are facing away from your body. Press the barbell upwards until your arms are straight, and then return to the starting position. Do not lean back while doing this exercise. Keep your back straight at all times. If you are leaning back, then you need a lighter weight.

Lying Rear Lateral Raise
- This exercise will work your deltoids a bit more. Laying on a slightly raised bench bench (pictures below) or leaning forward on a chair with your back straight, hold dumbells in hand with palm facing down. Raise you arms to the side until your elbows reach shoulder height. Make sure not to bend your wrists and lift from the shoulders. Do not use momentum to swing the dumbbells.

Shoulder Shrugs
- You can do this exercise with dumbbells, a barbell or a smith machine. I have pictured the smith machine below. With your hands at your in front of you waist high, hold the smith machine bar. Lift your shoulders towards your ears and then lower them.

Effective Bicep Exercises To Get Your Arms Looking Great
Biceps are probably the most recognized muscle in the body. Ever since we were children we have been flexing our biceps to show our muscles.
If you have ever dreamed of having toned biceps, then follow some of the bicep exercises below and you will not be disappointed with the results.
Choose 8-10 different exercises and perform each twice. Do 8-10 reps for bulk or 12-15 reps for lean muscle
Thursday, December 8, 2011
20 Super Foods You Need to Build Muscle & Lose Fat
Eating fats also helps fat loss: your body holds fat if you don't eat fats. Fruits & veggies contain vitamins & minerals, necessary for recovery from your workouts. And carbs fuel your muscles so you feel full of energy at the gym.
Lots of you struggle to get these foods. Sometimes because you're too busy or sometimes because you just lack information. This list will help you — 20 super foods you need to build muscle & lose fat.
1. Whole Eggs. Cheap & rich source of protein: 7g/egg. The yolk contains most nutrients: half the protein, vitamins A/D/E and cholesterol to naturally increase your testosterone levels.
Don't worry about cholesterol in eggs. Dietary cholesterol isn't bound to blood cholesterol. Read this, this, this & this. If you have bad cholesterol, lower your body fat rather than throwing the yolk away.
2. Fish Oil. Reduces inflammation (joints/skin), lowers body fat and increases testosterone levels. You need 9000mg EPA/DHA per day. Since you'll probably struggle to get that from eating fatty fish, consider a fish oil supplement.
3. Wild Salmon. One of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids that also gets you 20g protein per 100g serving. Farm raised salmon is, however, omega-3 deficient: it's corn/grain fed. Go with wild salmon.
4. Berries. Strong antioxidants that prevent cancer, heart & eye diseases. Any kind works: cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc. Buy fresh or frozen berries and mix with oatmeal.
5. Yogurt. Contain bacteria that improve your gastrointestinal health. Don't buy frozen yogurt or yogurt with added sugar and fruits at the bottom. Get plain low fat yogurt. Eat it with berries & flax seeds.
6. Flax Seeds. Source of fiber, protein & omega-3. Grind the flax seeds to get the most out of them. Take 1 tbsp with yogurt & berries before going to bed. Stay away from flax oil: it's unstable and contains no fiber.
7. Extra Virgin Olive Oil. 70% monounsaturated fats that protect against heart diseases and cancer. Add 1-2 tbsp olive oil to your salads. Buy Extra Virgin Olive Oil: it contains more polyphenols and tastes better.
8. Mixed Nuts. Contain mono- & polyunsaturated fats, proteins, fiber, vitamin E, zinc, potassium, magnesium, etc. Mixed nuts are caloric dense, great if you're a skinny guy who wants to gain weight.
Anything works: almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, ... Peanut butter also works as long as you buy natural peanut butter without added salts/sugars.
9. Red Meat. Protein, vitamin B12, heme iron, zinc, creatine, carnosine and even omega-3 if you eat grass-fed beef. Eat steaks & hamburgers from top round or sirloin. Read Dr. Lonnie Lowery's article on Meat.
10. Broccoli. High in cancer-fighting phytochemicals and anti-estrogenic indoles. Broccoli is also high in soluble fiber and low calorie, helping fat loss. Eat other cruciferous vegetables for a change: cabbage, bok choy, cauliflower, kale, ...
11. Spinach. One of the most alkaline foods. Spinach prevents muscle & bone loss, but also cancer and heart diseases because of its high nutrient profile. Try one of the spinach recipes I shared a while back.
12. Turkey. If you don't believe saturated fat is good for you, try white turkey. The leanest beef has about 4.5g saturated fat/100g, while white turkey has close to 0g (that why it's so dry). Eat turkey with spinach & quinoa.
13. Quinoa. South American "king of grains". Quinoa is higher in fiber & protein than rice or oats, tastes a lot better and is gluten free. Buy the whiter grain, it's better quality. Eat it post workout with meat & spinach.
14. Oats. Reduce cholesterol, provide you with low-gi carbs for energy, and high in soluble fiber. Try this post workout shake of whey & oats.
15. Tomatoes. High in lycopene, which prevents cancer. The lycopene in tomato paste is 4 times more bioavailable than in fresh tomatoes. Have pizza or pasta with tomato sauce & olive oil post strength training.
16. Oranges. Vitamin C to fight diseases, magnesium to lower blood pressure, anti-oxidant beta-carotenes, etc. Quit drinking processed orange juice which often has added sugars. Eat oranges or make your own orange juice.
17. Apples. Pectin in apples helps weight loss by increasing satiety. Apples are also the strongest antioxidiant after cranberries (eat the peels). Unfortunately apples are one of the most pesticide-contaminated fruits. Go organic.
18. Carrots. Their huge vitamin A content improves eye-health, especially night vision. Carrots are also rich in fiber, low calorie and taste good, even raw.
19. Water. Your body holds water if you don't drink enough. Drinking prevents water retention, helps muscle recovery and prevents dehydration from strength training. Get a brita filter and drink 2 cups of water with each meal.
20. Green Tea. Strong antioxidant and natural diuretic. Green tea also speeds up fat loss, prevents cancer and improves blood sugar & circulation. Drink green tea in the morning instead of coffee. Real green tea, not the teabags.
Putting it All Together. Eat proteins, veggies, fruits & fats every 3 hours. 2 cups water with each meal. Carbs post workout only. Junk food 10% of the time. Get stronger in the meanwhile and you'll build muscle & lose fat.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Great Training Four Day Routine Mass
Day one: Chest, arms, and abs
Day two: Legs
Day three: Rest
Day four: Back and shoulders
Day five: Rest
Day six: Rest
Day seven: Repeat
4 day mass routine
Squats 6 6 6 6
Leg Press 10 10 10 10
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 15 15 15
Hip Abductors 15 15 15
Calf Raises 12 12 12
Day 2: Chest & Biceps
Bench Press 6 6 6 6
DB Incline 8 8 8
Decline Cable Flyes 12 12
Cable Flyes 12 12
Chest Press 20
Barbell Curls 6 6 6 6
Preacher Curls 8 8 8
Reverse Curls 10 10 10
Day 3: Shoulders & Triceps
DB Press 6 6 6 6
Upright Row 8 8 8
Seated Laterals 8 8 8
Overhead Press 20
Close Grip Bench 6 6 6 6
Rope Tricep Ext 8 8 8
Reverse Grip Ext 10 10 10
Day 4: Back
Front Lat Pulldown 6 6 6 6
Pullbacks 10 10 10
Close Grip Pulldown 8 8 8
Back Ext 15 15 15
DB Rows 20
Sunday, December 4, 2011
DAY 1: Legs and Calves Sets Reps Seated calf raises 10 20-10 Standing weightless calf raises 4 25 Standing single-leg curls 4 20-25 Leg presses 5 20 Leg extensions 4 15 Squats 4 10 Hack squats 3 15 superset with Single-leg extensions 3 10 DAY 2: Chest Incline machine presses 5 20 Incline barbell presses 5 20 Machine flyes 3 15 Cable flyes 3 15 Bench presses 3 10 DAY 3: Arms Preacher curls 5 12 Standing barbell curls 3 10-12 Seated dumbbell curls 3 10-12 Standing cable curls 3-4 12 Rope pressdowns 3 20 superset with Single-arm cable pressdowns 3 10 Lying triceps extensions 6 To failure Overhead cambered-bar extensions 3 20 Seated barbell extensions 3 20 Dips 4 To failure DAY 4: Shoulders Rear delt machine flyes 5 20 Machine overhead presses 5 20 Machine side lateral raises 5 20 Seated military presses 3 10 Dumbbell lateral raises 3 12 Standing barbell presses 3 10 DAY 5: Back Lat pulldowns 5 20 Bent barbell rows 5 12-20 One-arm dumbbell rows 5 12-20 Deadlifts 4 8-15 High rows 4 20 Pullups 4 To failure Shrugs 5 20 NOTE: 60 crunches for abs at the end of each workout.
Friday, December 2, 2011
One of my many workouts
This is one of my workouts. This workout can also be used for Females. Just modify what you feel you can do.
Workout: Cardiovascular-30Mins(Every Workout)
Abs: 3 Sets of Reps 15-25(EVERY EXERCISE) Hanging Leg/Knee Raise
Cable Crunch/Situps
3-4 Sets & Reps of 12,12,10,8
Day #1
Flat/Incline Db Bench Press
Flat/Incline Flyes
Cable Flyes
Seated Chest Press
Smith Machine Flyes
Close Grip Bench Press
Tricep V-Bar/Rope Pushdowns
Tricep pulldown
Tricep DB Overhead Extension
Tricep Extension Curls
Tricep Kick Back
Day #2
Close/Wide-Grip/Lap Pulldown
Seated Cable Row
Seated Low Row
One ARM Dumbbell Row
Smith Machine Row
Behind The Neck Pulldow
Barbell Bent Over Row
Back Extension
Standing Alternate Biceps Curls
Standing Hammer Curl
Standing Ez Bar Curl
Behind Back Pulldown
Lat Pulldown
Standing Rope Curl
Skull Crushers
Smith Machine Pulldown
Day #3
Seated BB Press
Dumbbell Shrugs
Shoulder Front/Side Lateral Raises
BB or DB Uprights
Behind Back Shoulder Shrugs
Seated Smith Machine Shoulder Press
Leg Extension:
Smith Machine Squat
Leg Press
Seated Calves Raises
Glute Kickback
Standing Alternate Biceps Curls
Standing Hammer Curl
Standing Bb Ez Bar Curl
Lat Pulldown
Standing Rope Curl
Skull Crushers
Close Grip Bench Press
Tricep V-Bar/Rope Pushdowns
Tricep pulldown
Tricep DB Overhead Extension
Tricep Extension Curls
Tricep Kick Back
I also added a shot of what I look like now.