Thursday, June 9, 2011

Best Exercises for Different Muscle Groups

I was sitting back doing some thinking and i was reading the internet and found something that people could really use for workingout.

Pectoralis major:Decline dumbbell bench press
Decline bench press (Olympic bar)
Push-ups between benches
Flat dumbbell bench press
Flat bench press (Olympic bar)
Flat dumbbell flys

Pectoralis minor:Incline dumbbell bench press
Incline bench press (Olympic bar)
Incline dumbbell flys
Incline bench press (Smith machine)

Medial deltoids:Incline dumbbell side laterals
Standing dumbbell side laterals
Seated dumbbell side laterals
Cable side laterals

Posterior deltoids:Standing dumbbell bent laterals
Seated dumbbell bent laterals
Standing cable bent laterals

Anterior deltoids:Seated front dumbbell press
Standing front dumbbell raises
Seated front barbell press

Biceps:Biceps preacher curls (Olympic bar)
Incline seated dumbbell curls (alternate)
Standing biceps curls (Olympic bar/narrow grip)
Standing dumbbell curls (alternate)
Concentration dumbbell curls
Standing biceps curls (Olympic bar/wide grip)
Standing E-Z biceps curls (wide grip)

Triceps:Decline triceps extensions (Olympic bar)
Triceps pressdowns (angled bar)
Triceps dip between benches
One-arm cable triceps extensions (reverse grip)
Overhead rope triceps extensions
Seated one-arm dumbbell triceps extensions (neutral grip)
Close-grip bench press (Olympic bar)

Latissimus dorsi:Bent-over barbell rows
One-arm dumbbell rows
T-bar rows
Lat pulldowns to the front
Seated pulley rows

Quadriceps:Squats (parallel depth, shoulder-width stance)
Seated leg extensions (toes straight)
Hack Squats (90 degree angle, shoulder-width stance)
Leg press (110 degree angle)
Smith machine squats (90 degree angle, shoulder-width stance)

Hamstrings:Seated leg curls
Standing leg curls
Lying leg curls
Stiff Legged Deadlifts

Calves:Donkey calf raises
Standing one-leg calf raises
Standing two-leg calf raises
Seated calf raises

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